Wrong Recipient Payload Audience = Requiredaudience. To do so securely after a user successfully signs in send the users ID token to your server using HTTPS. Wrong recipient payload audience requiredAudience on the verifyIdToken method When I get the credentials from google_sign_in I pass the token id and the Client id to my server.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My current setup is like this. Yes I added the client id there but the issue was since my token doesnt contain any aud value so I.
Async function verify token const ticket await clientverifyIdToken.
This on is the official Google method for verify. Hold on in verifyIdTokenidToken audiance is this audience supposed to be the client ID that the server is looking for and checking against or the client ID that the client used to generate the token. I am someone that learns best by watching videos. Param requiredAudience The audience to test the jwt against.