Pompo The Cinephile Konusu. A delicate drama about a tormented artistic genius starring the legendary and Brando-esque actor Martin. In POMPO THE CINEPHILE Gene Fini voiced by Hiroya Shimizu is a production assistant for a movie studio that specializes in B movies like Marine a film featuring bikini-clad beauty Mystia Ai Kakuma fighting giant sea monstersGenes boss Joelle D.
Directed by veteran animator Takayuki Hirao and produced by brand-new animation studio CLAP Pompo the Cinephile is a rollicking exuberant ode to the power of the movies and the joys and heartbreak of the creative process as a new director and his team devote their lives to the pursuit of a masterpiece. Full of heart genuine insights sharp dialogue and rounded characters the film is animated beautifully by CLAP Studio. In POMPO THE CINEPHILE Gene Fini voiced by Hiroya Shimizu is a production assistant for a movie studio that specializes in B movies like Marine a film featuring bikini-clad beauty Mystia Ai Kakuma fighting giant sea monstersGenes boss Joelle D.
For a film that tackles a very technical and prosaic subject as its starting point Pompo s lean into anime-isms produces an idiosyncratic result.
The Cinéphile is a dramedy film directed and written by Takayuki Hirao. In POMPO THE CINEPHILE Gene Fini voiced by Hiroya Shimizu is a production assistant for a movie studio that specializes in B movies like Marine a film featuring bikini-clad beauty Mystia Ai Kakuma fighting giant sea monstersGenes boss Joelle D. The Cinéphile debut during Anime NYC 2021 weekend as a cineatic love letter to hard work and ones passion for creativity. Pompo the Cinephile is a unique film much owed to its unashamed usage of anime to tell a tale of live-action filmmaking.