Pompo The Cinephile Genre. Yet as the movie went on while those previous films all won me over with their character-focused drama and great performances there was something missing here. Imagine that film but instead of Kirk Douglass brilliant sociopath as a producer you have a diminutive anime girl.
The Cinéphile is like Vincente Minnellis The Bad and the Beautiful but anime. Review by fae 2. A delicate drama about an aging and tormented creative genius starring the legendary and Brando-esque Pompo is a talented.
Yet as the movie went on while those previous films all won me over with their character-focused drama and great performances there was something missing here.
To start with why is it called Pompo. While his boss is known for her commercially successful action and erotic films Gene is one of the few people who question her choices of film genres and deep-down wants to take the industry in a different direction. Animated Comedy Drama RATING. The Cinéphile Eiga Daisuki Pompo-san Genre.