Lyrics To Laboratory Dville Santa. Lyrics for Laboratory by Dville Santa. Labo dababo glabo gluglug guhglable lable Ooooh tongue twister Like gaba gaba.

Yaba dabap yababadaba What Oohoo Ayabadaba. 1-2 of 2 song lyrics Average rating for Dville Santa songs is 76310 20 votes. Lyrics for Laboratory - Dville SantaI do not own this song the song belongs to Dville Santa.
Laboratory Lyrics Dville Santa Mmm Here they go with this metronome bro Oh my god Yabadee boobeedee baba dooboop Booboop A shoobee daba dooboo Dooboo Liyaba daba dooboop Bow Bdooboodooboop badabadoobadooboop Yuh Yabadaba Yaba dabap yababadaba What Oohoo Ayabadaba Yaba dababadaba Alright Its off the top for real all this off the top I.
The songs surprising fame is a sparkling example of how any. Abalaba dooba cadoosay Cadoosay Metamorphosis aporphis of morkle laborth laba gorbalib LABORATORY Yama nama doo. Dville Santa Song 2021. Ayabadaba Mmmhmm Yaba dababadaba Alright Its off the top for real all this off the top I feel I feel I feel Verse 2 I said Hes a genius Womba domba.