Homily Holy Thursday Mass Lord's Supper. Homily Holy Thursday Mass Lords Supper. Homily for Holy Thursday.

The Holy Eucharist the Priesthood and an examplemodel to follow. During these three solemn days we relive the passion death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ three days that are central to Christianity. Homily Holy Thursday Mass of the Lords Supper 2011 A i The Most Rev.
Bishop Burbidges Homily for the Mass of the Lords Supper.
Ex 121-8 11-14 1 Cor 1123-26 Jn 131-15 Our first reading is a description of the Jewish Passover Meal. Andrew in Little Rock on Thursday April 14 2022. Gomez Archbishop of Los Angeles Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels April 21 2011 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Pope Francis presided over the Holy Thursday liturgy In Coena Domini or Mass of the Lords Supper which commemorates the institution of the Holy Eucharist with inmates housed at the new penitentiary complex of Civitavecchia a port city north of Rome.