Holy Thursday Mass St Mary's Cathedral. Sacred Heart Catholic Church 180 Darlinghurst Road Darlinghurst NSW 2010 5pm Mass of the Lords Supper. Quick Easy Purchase Process.
Holy Week in the City Parishes Contact. Full Refund Available up to 24 Hours Before Your Tour Date. Before all the living acknowledge the many good things he has done for you.
On this day there is the morning Chrism Mass when the priests of the Archdiocese gather with the Archbishop to consecrate holy oils which are used throughout the year for the sacraments of Baptism.
This Mass manifests the unity of the priests with their bishop. 830 am Morning Prayer lower church 700 pm Evening Mass of the Lords Supper with Bishop Kettler upper church 830 pm Vigil lower church. John Vianney 700pm live stream available below The Altar of Repose will be setup in the Hall following Mass 830pm where Adoration will take place until Midnight. The live stream will continue until 9pm.