Holy Thursday Mass Pope. The Chrism Mass is due to begin at 930am local time CEST. The change was dramatic and it reveals the extent to which persecution and the cross are linked to the proclamation of the Gospel.

The current Vatican schedule for 2022 does not list the popes participation in the Vaticans Holy Thursday Mass of the Lords Supper. The admiration aroused by the grace-filled. Pope Francis on April 18 led the Holy Thursday Chrism Mass in Romes St.
Pope Francis presided over the Holy Thursday Chrism Mass and blessed vats of oil to be used in religious ceremonies in parishes around Rome.
The current Vatican schedule for 2022 does not list the popes participation in the Vaticans Holy Thursday Mass of the Lords Supper. The admiration aroused by the grace-filled words spoken by Jesus. The current Vatican schedule for 2022 does not list the popes participation in the Vaticans Holy Thursday Mass of the Lords Supper. Pope Francis blesses chrism oil contained in a jar during a Chrism Mass inside St.