Holy Thursday Mass Introduction. 14 We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. For an end to fighting and division.

On Holy Thursday there is a special Mass in Cathedral Churches attended by as many priests of the diocese as can attend because it is a solemn observance of Christs institution of the priesthood. Kelley INTRODUCTORY RITES The Mass of the Lords Supper is celebrated in the evening. For the poor the hungry the lonely.
2 The Sacred Triduum.
Among the many names by which the Eucharist was called the one that best expresses the meaning and richness of the sacrament is the breaking of the bread. Order of the Mass ENTRANCE ANTIPHON We should glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ in whom is our salvation life and resurrection through whom we are saved and delivered. The Ceremonial of Bishops sets the context in no. April 9 2020.