Holy Thursday Mass From St Patrick's Cathedral. Join us Sunday at 1015 AM to watch Mass live. All of the other Easter Masses are open to the public.

Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. Holy Week Schedule April 10th - April 17th Please note that NO TICKETS remain for the 10AM Easter Solemn Mass on April 17. Cardinal Dolan will serve as principal celebrant at the Blessing of Palm and Solemn Mass at 1015 am.
Patricks Cathedral holds a private Holy Thursday Mass in New York City.
April 1 2021 St. Cardinal Dolan will serve as principal celebrant at the Blessing of Palm and Solemn Mass at 1015 am. I give you a new commandment says the Lord. Patricks Cathedral live-stream schedule for the coming days all times in EST.