Fr Rob Galea Holy Thursday Mass. Mike Schmitz as he celebrates the Mass of the Lords Supper at the University of Minnesota DuluthIf you would like to support Ascension Presents s. Sections of this page.
Here is a clip from the CATHOLICISM Series on the Eucharist. HELENS Archbishops Parish Visit CONFIRMATION 2020 First Holy Communion 2020 CONFIRMATION 2021 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2021. Solemnity of St Mary of The Cross Mackillop mass with Fr.
Grade 7 Confirmation Retreat Fr.
Grade 7 Confirmation Retreat Fr. Alessandro Installation Mass 45 Years of Service Holy Thursday 2019 Easter Vigil 2019 Knights of Columbus Family Dinner CONCERT BY FR ROB GALEA AT ST. Consider Supporting FRG Ministry. Sections of this page.